إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Grammar. إظهار كافة الرسائل
إظهار الرسائل ذات التسميات Grammar. إظهار كافة الرسائل
One of ...( Something)
Some English students make mistakes with the simple phrase "one of" as it is always confusing to them.
In this clip Ria will try to help you get the correct use of "One of" in a correct sentence.
Correct :One of the winners was selected to visit China صح
Incorrect : One of the winner was selected to visit China خطأ
Incorrect : One of the winners were selected to visit China خطأ
The one of is singular يعتبر مفرد لأننا نتكلم عن واحد من الكل و ليس عن الكل
شاهد الفيديو لمزيد من الأيضاح
For more advanced practice, visit this page. Click here
In this lesson you will learn how to use "Too" in a sentence correctly
1. The first meaning is "also" or "besides"; أيضا او بالاضافة الى
Example: Can I come with you too? هل أستطيع القدوم معكم أيضا؟
2. The second meaning is "excessively" or "extra".
Example: I have too many things to do. لدي الكثير من الاشياء لأنجذها
3. Some people use it to mean "very". Think of too as being relevant when there is an increase in something, such as temperature, difficulty, sensitivity, etc.,
"too hot", حار جداً
"too challenging", صعب جداً
or "too soft". طري جداً
شاهد الفيديو للتوضيح أكثر
4. Choose the word "too" when it can be substituted for the word "also".
For example: "She felt awful, too (also)" or "I can see you too (also)".
5. Use "too" to modify or emphasize a word.
For example: "The weather is too (excessively) hot", "I've eaten too (excessively) much", or "The package is too (excessively/extra) big". "He wasn't too (very) interested in my book."
1. The first meaning is "also" or "besides"; أيضا او بالاضافة الى
Example: Can I come with you too? هل أستطيع القدوم معكم أيضا؟
2. The second meaning is "excessively" or "extra".
Example: I have too many things to do. لدي الكثير من الاشياء لأنجذها
3. Some people use it to mean "very". Think of too as being relevant when there is an increase in something, such as temperature, difficulty, sensitivity, etc.,
"too hot", حار جداً
"too challenging", صعب جداً
or "too soft". طري جداً
شاهد الفيديو للتوضيح أكثر
4. Choose the word "too" when it can be substituted for the word "also".
For example: "She felt awful, too (also)" or "I can see you too (also)".
5. Use "too" to modify or emphasize a word.
For example: "The weather is too (excessively) hot", "I've eaten too (excessively) much", or "The package is too (excessively/extra) big". "He wasn't too (very) interested in my book."
1 Absorbed (- very much interested) in, not at.
Don't say: The man was absorbed at his work.
Say: The man was absorbed in his work.
2 Accuse of, not for.
Don't say: She accused the man for stealing.
Say: She accused the man of stealing.
3 Accustomed to/ used to, not with.
Don't say: I'm accustomed with hot weather.
/ Say: I'm accustomed to hot weather.
4 Afraid of, not from.
Don't say: Laura is afraid from the dog.
الاشتراك في:
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