
الرئيسية Common Mistakes (3)

Common Mistakes (3)

Common mistakes in english

خطأ  Don't Say
صح Say
We believe to God. We believe God.
We believe in God.
Note: To believe in means to have faith in.  عنده إيمان ب
To believe (without the in) means to regard something as true: / believe everything he says. بمعنى أعتقد بصدق
خطأ  Don't Say
صح Say
Ahmed boasted for his car.
Ahmed boasted of (or about) his car.  شايف حاله بسيارته
خطأ  Don't Say
صح Say
Ahmed is very careful for her health.
Ahmed is very careful of/about her health.
خطأ  Don't Say
صح Say
She travelled with the train yesterday.
She travelled by the train yesterday.
Note: We use BY: by train, by boat, by plane, by bike; by land, by sea, by air, by bus;
in a bus or on a bus;
by car or in a car, by taxi or in a taxi;
On: on horse-back, on a bicycle and on foot.
خطأ  Don't Say
صح Say
Mona complained for the weather.
Mona complained about the weather.
مع المرض
Note: We use complain of when talking about illness . We say She complained of a sore throat.
خطأ  Don't Say
صح Say
Our team is composed from thirty workers.
Our team is composed of thirty workers.
يتألف من 

خطأ  Don't Say
صح Say
I have confidence to you.
I have confidence in you. ثقة بك
خطأ  Don't Say
صح Say
I congratulate you for your success.
I congratulate you on your success. أهنئك على
خطأ  Don't Say
صح Say
A month consists from 30 days.
A month consists of 50 days. يتألف من
خطأ  Don't Say
صح Say
The ground are covered by snow.
The ground are covered with/in snow. مغطاة ب
خطأ  Don't Say
صح Say
Our team is composed from thirty workers.
Our team is composed of thirty workers. يتألف من

اعلان اعلى الموضوع

اعلان اسفل الموضوع

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